
Puttu Recipe: A Delicious South Indian Delight

About Puttu Recipe

Puttu Recipe is a popular traditional dish from the southern Indian state of Kerala. It is a steamed rice cake that is typically served for breakfast or dinner. Made with simple ingredients and bursting with flavors, Puttu is loved by both locals and tourists. In this article, we will explore the art of making the perfect Puttu and share some tips and tricks to elevate your culinary skills. So, let’s dive in and learn how to make the best Puttu recipe!

What is Puttu?

Puttu is a traditional South Indian dish that consists of steamed cylindrical rice cakes. It is made by layering ground rice flour and grated coconut in a cylindrical mold called a “Puttu Kutti” and steaming it. The result is a light, fluffy, and flavorful rice cake that pairs well with various curries and side dishes.

The Origin of Puttu Recipe

Puttu has its roots in Kerala, a coastal state in South India. It is believed to have originated in the region and has been a staple food for centuries. The word “Puttu” in the Malayalam language means “portioned” or “packed.” The dish is often served with Kadala curry (chickpea curry), papadam, and bananas, creating a delicious and wholesome meal.


Ingredients for Puttu Recipe

  • 2 cups of rice flour
  • 1 cup of grated coconut
  • Water, as needed
  • Salt, to taste

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now, let’s go through the step-by-step process of making mouthwatering Puttu:

Step 1: Preparing the Rice Flour

  1. Take 2 cups of rice flour in a mixing bowl.
  2. Sprinkle some water over the flour and mix it gently with your fingertips.
  3. Continue adding water gradually and mixing until the flour resembles breadcrumbs.
  4. Make sure the rice flour is moist but not wet.

Step 2: Layering the Puttu

  1. Take a Puttu Kutti (cylindrical mold) and fill the bottom with grated coconut.
  2. Add a layer of the prepared rice flour on top of the coconut.
  3. Repeat the process, alternating between coconut and rice flour until the mold is filled.
  4. Make sure to finish with a layer of coconut on the top.

Step 3: Steaming the Puttu

  1. Boil water in a Puttu maker or a large steamer.
  2. Attach the Puttu Kutti on top of the steamer and steam for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. The Puttu is ready when steam starts to escape from the top.

Step 4: Serving the Puttu

  1. Carefully remove the Puttu Kutti from the steamer and allow it to cool for a minute.
  2. Gently tap the mold to release the Puttu onto a serving plate.
  3. Serve the Puttu hot with Kadala curry, papadam, and sliced bananas.

Variations of Puttu Recipe

While the classic Puttu recipe is made with rice flour and coconut, there are several delightful variations you can try to add a twist to this traditional dish. Here are a few popular variations of Puttu:

Wheat Puttu Recipe

Replace the rice flour with wheat flour to make nutritious and wholesome wheat Puttu. The rest of the preparation remains the same, and you can enjoy a healthier version of this traditional dish.

Ragi Puttu Recipe

Ragi, also known as finger millet, is a nutritious grain that can be used to make delicious Puttu. Replace the rice flour with ragi flour and follow the same steps to prepare ragi Puttu. It not only adds a unique flavor but also enhances the nutritional value of the dish.

Corn Puttu Recipe

For a unique twist, try making corn Puttu. Grind fresh corn kernels to a coarse consistency and mix them with rice flour to prepare the Puttu. The sweetness of corn adds a delightful flavor to the dish.

Jackfruit Puttu Recipe

During the jackfruit season, you can experiment with jackfruit Puttu. Replace the grated coconut with mashed ripe jackfruit and follow the same layering process. The aromatic sweetness of jackfruit imparts a heavenly taste to the Puttu.

Serving Suggestions

  • Kadala Curry: Serve Puttu with Kadala Curry, a flavorful chickpea curry. The combination of the soft Puttu and the spicy curry is a match made in heaven.
  • Banana and Sugar: Enjoy Puttu with ripe banana slices and a sprinkle of sugar. This classic combination adds a touch of sweetness to the dish.
  • Coconut and Jaggery: Pair Puttu with freshly grated coconut and jaggery for a delightful blend of flavors. The natural sweetness of jaggery complements the mild taste of Puttu.
  • Spicy Chutneys: Experiment with different chutneys like coconut chutney, tomato chutney, or mint chutney to add a kick of spice to your Puttu.

Tips for Perfect Puttu Recipe

  1. Rice Flour Consistency: Ensure that the rice flour has the right texture, resembling breadcrumbs. It should be moist but not wet. Adjust the amount of water accordingly while mixing.
  2. Steaming Time: Steam the Puttu for the recommended time of 10-15 minutes. Over-steaming may result in dry and crumbly Puttu while under-steaming may lead to a raw taste.
  3. Coconut Grating: Use freshly grated coconut for the best flavor. If you don’t have access to fresh coconut, you can use frozen or desiccated coconut as alternatives.
  4. Layering: Alternate between grated coconut and rice flour while layering in the Puttu Kutti. The coconut adds moisture and enhances the taste of the Puttu.
  5. Serving Suggestions: Enjoy Puttu with a variety of side dishes like Kadala curry, vegetable stew, egg curry, or even spicy chutneys. The combination of flavors creates a delightful meal experience.
  6. Experiment with Fillings: Get creative with the fillings by adding ingredients like nuts, raisins, or even grated jaggery. These additions can bring a unique twist to the traditional Puttu recipe.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some commonly asked questions about Puttu:

Q1: Can I make Puttu without a Puttu Kutti?

A: While a Puttu Kutti is the traditional tool used to make Puttu, you can also use a makeshift arrangement using a steamer basket lined with a clean cloth or even a small stainless steel tumbler.

Q2: Is puttu gluten-free?

A: Yes, Puttu is gluten-free as it is primarily made with rice flour. However, be cautious of the fillings and side dishes you pair with it, as they may contain gluten.

Q3: Can I store leftover Puttu?

A: Yes, you can store leftover Puttu in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two days. Reheat it by steaming it again before serving.

Q4: Can I make Puttu without coconut?

A: While coconut adds a distinct flavor to the Puttu, you can make it without coconut if you prefer. Simply omit the grated coconut while layering the Puttu and follow the same steps. The resulting Puttu will have a slightly different taste but will still be delicious.

Q5: Can I make Puttu with other grains?

A: Yes, you can experiment with different grains to make Puttu Recipe. Some popular alternatives include using broken wheat (dalia) or semolina (rava) instead of rice flour. The process remains similar, but the texture and flavor may vary.

Q6: Can I make sweet Puttu?

A: Absolutely! Sweet Puttu, also known as Vella Puttu, is a delightful variation. To make it, mix grated jaggery and cardamom powder with the rice flour. Layer it with grated coconut and steam as usual. Sweet Puttu is a perfect treat for special occasions or as a dessert.

Yield: 4

Puttu Recipe: A Delicious South Indian Delight

Puttu Recipe is a popular traditional dish from the southern Indian state of Kerala. It is a steamed rice cake that is typically served for breakfast or dinner.

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 35 minutes


  • 2 cups of rice flour
  • 1 cup of grated coconut
  • Water, as needed
  • Salt, to taste


  1. Take 2 cups of rice flour in a mixing bowl.
  2. Sprinkle some water over the flour and mix it gently with your fingertips.
  3. Continue adding water gradually and mixing until the flour resembles breadcrumbs.
  4. Make sure the rice flour is moist but not wet.
  5. Take a Puttu Kutti (cylindrical mold) and fill the bottom with grated coconut.
  6. Add a layer of the prepared rice flour on top of the coconut.
  7. Repeat the process, alternating between coconut and rice flour until the mold is filled.
  8. Make sure to finish with a layer of coconut on the top.
  9. Boil water in a Puttu maker or a large steamer.
  10. Attach the Puttu Kutti on top of the steamer and steam for about 10-15 minutes.
  11. The Puttu is ready when steam starts to escape from the top.
  12. Carefully remove the Puttu Kutti from the steamer and allow it to cool for a minute.
  13. Gently tap the mold to release the Puttu onto a serving plate.
  14. Serve the Puttu hot with Kadala curry, papadam, and sliced bananas.


  1. Ensure that the rice flour has the right texture, resembling breadcrumbs. It should be moist but not wet. Adjust the amount of water accordingly while mixing.
  2. Steam the Puttu for the recommended time of 10-15 minutes. Over-steaming may result in dry and crumbly Puttu while under-steaming may lead to a raw taste.


Calories 188kcal
Carbohydrates 40gm
proteins 3g
Fat 1g
Fiber 2g
Iron 1mg
Vitamin C 0.1mg
Calcium 10mg


In conclusion, Puttu is a delectable South Indian dish that is loved for its unique texture and flavors. Whether you stick to the classic rice and coconut Puttu or explore the various variations, this traditional recipe is sure to impress your taste buds. With the step-by-step instructions, tips, and FAQs provided in this article, you can now confidently make the perfect Puttu in your own kitchen. So, gather your ingredients, steam away, and enjoy the delightful taste of Puttu!


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