
Cappuccino recipe | homemade cappuccino coffee

Cappuccino coffee is a popular espresso-based coffee beverage that originated in Italy. It is made by combining equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. The name “cappuccino” is derived from the Capuchin friars, whose brown hooded robes resemble the color of the coffee.

The traditional ratio for a cappuccino is one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third milk foam. However, these ratios can be adjusted according to personal preference. Some variations may have more or less milk or foam, depending on the desired taste and presentation.

Cappuccinos are often garnished with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or chocolate shavings on top for added flavor and visual appeal. It is commonly consumed in the morning or throughout the day as a popular choice in coffee shops and cafes worldwide.


  • 1 shot of espresso (approximately 1 ounce)
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • Sugar or sweetener (optional)
  • Cocoa powder or cinnamon (optional, for garnish)


  1. Brew a shot of espresso using an espresso machine. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a stovetop Moka pot or a French press to make a concentrated coffee.
  2. While the espresso is brewing, heat the milk in a small saucepan or use a milk frother to steam and froth the milk. If using a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until hot, but not boiling. If using a frother, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Once the milk is hot, froth it using a frother or by vigorously whisking it in a saucepan. The goal is to create a creamy and velvety foam on top of the milk.
  4. Pour the shot of espresso into a cappuccino cup or a large coffee mug.
  5. Gently pour the steamed milk into the cup over the espresso, holding back the foam with a spoon to retain it for the top layer. Aim for an equal amount of espresso and milk.
  6. Spoon the milk foam on top of the cup to create a thick layer of foam. You can pour a little bit of the remaining steamed milk underneath the foam to create a layered effect.
  7. If desired, sprinkle cocoa powder or cinnamon on top of the foam for added flavor and decoration.
  8. Optionally, add sugar or sweetener to taste, stirring gently to dissolve.
  9. Your cappuccino coffee is now ready to be enjoyed! Serve it while it’s still ho

Here are some tips to help you make a delicious cappuccino coffee:

  1. Use Freshly Roasted Coffee Beans: For the best flavor, use freshly roasted coffee beans and grind them just before brewing. Freshly ground coffee will give your cappuccino a more vibrant and aromatic taste.
  2. Espresso Extraction: When making the espresso shot, ensure proper extraction by following the recommended guidelines for your espresso machine. The ideal extraction time is around 25-30 seconds, resulting in a balanced and flavorful espresso.
  3. Steaming Milk: When steaming the milk, use cold milk and a clean stainless steel pitcher. Position the steam wand just below the surface of the milk and start with the steam fully on. As the milk expands, lower the pitcher to achieve the desired texture. Aim for a velvety microfoam with small bubbles and a glossy appearance.
  4. Proper Milk Temperature: The milk should be heated to a temperature between 150-160°F (65-70°C). Avoid overheating, as it can scorch the milk and affect the taste. Use a milk thermometer or practice judging the temperature by touch.
  5. Pouring Technique: When pouring the milk into the espresso, start with the steamed milk, aiming for the center of the cup. As the cup fills, gradually introduce the foam to create the characteristic layered effect. Use a gentle and controlled pour to achieve beautiful latte art, if desired.
  6. Experiment with Milk Ratios: While the traditional cappuccino ratio is equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam, feel free to adjust the ratios to suit your taste preferences. For a stronger coffee flavor, use less milk and more espresso.
  7. Preheat Cups: Warm your cappuccino cups before serving by rinsing them with hot water. This helps maintain the temperature of the coffee for longer and enhances the overall experience.
  8. Garnish and Flavor: Add a touch of creativity by garnishing your cappuccino with a sprinkle of cocoa powder, cinnamon, or chocolate shavings. You can also experiment with flavored syrups or extracts to add a personal touch to your drink.
  9. Practice Makes Perfect: Mastering the art of cappuccino-making takes practice. Don’t be discouraged if your first attempts don’t turn out exactly as expected. With time and experience, you’ll refine your technique and create excellent cappuccinos.


  1. What is the difference between a cappuccino and a latte?
    • A cappuccino is made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam. It has a balanced ratio between coffee and milk, with a layer of foam on top. A latte, on the other hand, has more steamed milk and less foam, resulting in a creamier and milder taste.
  2. Can I make a cappuccino without an espresso machine?
    • While an espresso machine is a traditional way to make a cappuccino, you can still make a variation of it using other methods. You can use a stovetop Moka pot to brew a strong coffee as a substitute for espresso. Then, heat and froth milk separately, and combine them to create a cappuccino-like drink.
  3. Can I use regular coffee instead of espresso for a cappuccino?
    • The traditional cappuccino is made with espresso, which has a concentrated flavor. While you can use regular brewed coffee as a substitute, the taste and texture of the cappuccino may differ. Regular coffee may not have the same intensity and strength as espresso, affecting the overall balance of flavors in the drink.
  4. Can I make a cappuccino with non-dairy milk?
    • Yes, you can make a cappuccino with non-dairy milk such as almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or coconut milk. These milks can be steamed and frothed just like regular milk, allowing you to create a dairy-free cappuccino. However, it’s important to note that the taste and texture may vary compared to using dairy milk.
  5. Can I add sugar to a cappuccino?
    • Yes, you can add sugar or your preferred sweetener to a cappuccino according to your taste. It’s common to sprinkle a small amount of sugar on top of the foam or dissolve it in the espresso before adding the milk. Adjust the amount of sweetener based on your preference for a sweeter or less sweet cappuccino.
  6. How do I achieve latte art on my cappuccino?
    • Latte art is created by pouring steamed milk into the espresso in a specific manner. To create basic latte art, pour the milk into the center of the cup from a higher position and then move the pitcher in a back-and-forth motion while gradually reducing the pour speed. With practice, you can create patterns such as hearts or rosettas.

cappuccino coffee


  • 1 shot of espresso (approximately 1 ounce)
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • Sugar or sweetener (optional)
  • Cocoa powder or cinnamon (optional, for garnish)


  1. Brew a shot of espresso using an espresso machine. If you don't have an espresso machine, you can use a stovetop Moka pot or a French press to make a concentrated coffee.
  2. While the espresso is brewing, heat the milk in a small saucepan or use a milk frother to steam and froth the milk. If using a saucepan, heat the milk over medium heat until hot, but not boiling. If using a frother, follow the manufacturer's instructions.
  3. Once the milk is hot, froth it using a frother or by vigorously whisking it in a saucepan. The goal is to create a creamy and velvety foam on top of the milk.
  4. Pour the shot of espresso into a cappuccino cup or a large coffee mug.
  5. Gently pour the steamed milk into the cup over the espresso, holding back the foam with a spoon to retain it for the top layer. Aim for an equal amount of espresso and milk.
  6. Spoon the milk foam on top of the cup to create a thick layer of foam. You can pour a little bit of the remaining steamed milk underneath the foam to create a layered effect.
  7. If desired, sprinkle cocoa powder or cinnamon on top of the foam for added flavor and decoration.
  8. Optionally, add sugar or sweetener to taste, stirring gently to dissolve.
  9. Your cappuccino coffee is now ready to be enjoyed! Serve it while it's still ho



Calories 61kcal
Carbohydrates 6g
Protein 4g
Fat 2g
Sodium 62mg
Potassium 1085mg
Sugar 10 g
Vitamin A 1914IU
Calcium 150mg
Iron 0mg


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